Increase The Efficiency And Sustainability Of The Compressors

By replacing worn air compressor parts too slowly or with low-quality third-party air compressor parts, components of the compressor can suffer damage. As a result, the compressor’s service life is reduced, repairs need to be made more frequently, it operates poorly, and it is less available.

As the compressor cannot operate as efficiently as it did, energy expenses will also increase. Discover the Edmac Compressor Parts to prevent its failure.

Check The Condition Of The Parts:

Check The Air Intake:

The air intake filter cleans the ambient air that the compressor draws in for compression. The filter will no longer successfully fulfill its purpose if it is not modified promptly. And for that, you can rely on Midwest Control.

The volume flow is decreased, which, among other things, leads to increased energy usage. Due to the less exact construction compared to an original filter, particles can enter the airflow if the air intake filter is replaced with a cheap replacement filter.

Cheap replacement filters damage the compressor stage, oil separator, and air intake valve. In severe situations, you should contact Malloy Electric; otherwise, pieces of a damaged filter can harm the compressor element.

Check The Valve:

The oil tank and separator should receive compressed air from the compression chamber, not vice versa. The check valve handles this task. If broken, the system pressure will leak when the compressor runs idle. The compressor must restore the system pressure upon startup if compressed air is to be provided to the connected system once more. Both the compressor’s performance and energy usage decline.

Check The Oil Separators:

For technological reasons, oil mist is also produced in compressed air by oil-injected air compressors. Compressed air must be cleaned of oil and dried before being delivered to the end user via the associated compact air pipeline system. The remaining crude enters the tight air treatment process if the oil separator can no longer perform its duties with reliability. Above all, the compressed air filters need to be updated since they endure too much stress. For the right part, you can search for Johnstone Supply. 

The worst-case scenario is that leftover oil enters the compressed air pipeline system and then travels to the final consumer. As a result, the client’s production machinery may malfunction, and entire production batches may get contaminated.

Replace The Pressure Valve:

A minimum pressure valve ensures a certain minimum pressure in the oil separator when the compressed air system operates under load. The pressurized air cannot be forwarded if the minimum pressure valve is broken. The compressor of the Air Mac unloads, idles, and then restarts. The engine ages more quickly as a result of this adjustment. The electric motor’s high starting currents also result in increased energy expenses.


Compressor oil’s primary purposes are cooling, safeguarding, sealing, and cleaning. We produce and test the compressor oils specifically for the machine types and application areas for which they are used to ensure that they best accomplish these tasks. We combine the essential oil with the additives in a precise ratio to achieve the best outcome. Overheating is caused by neglected oil changes and inexpensive oil from independent producers.

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We are a division of a 50 year old family business based out of Omaha Nebraska called Omaha Pneumatic. Penry Air represents the most well known and established air vendors in the world.

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